Yaadon ki Baraat

“Hello beta, how are you doing?” Piyush asks gently as he saunters into Piya’s room.

“Hi Dad, I am fine, just preparing for an internal test tomorrow…”, she responds with a light smile on her face.

Piyush notices the earphone plugged into her ears, but chooses not to talk about it, this one time. He has more serious business to discuss.

“So how was your day…” he caresses her gently and waits for the answer.

“Actually, today I got free from my classes a bit early, so visited the Mall of India.”

Achha, who all were there with you, your friends?” Piyush asks casually.

“Yes, but you will not know them,” she responds softly, averting his gaze.

“You are right, I do not know your friend. What’s his name?” Piyush drops the bomb.

The silence is deafening. Piya has the wind knocked out of her sails by the sudden turn of conversation.

As Piyush waits for the answer, Priya gathers her courage and starts talking after a few moments.

“Actually…” she feels her body heating up and her palms sweating as she yearns for a deep breath.

“It’s OK, talk to me, I want to know it all…”, Piyush is mindful that he needs to handle the situation very carefully. He finds a place close to Piya and tries to put her at ease.

“His name is Aman, studies with me; we are good friends…”, Piya blurts out.

“Just friend or special friend?”

Piyush notices Piya blushing and sweating profusely. Choosing not to prod her any further, he delicately adds, “I think I got my answer..; it’s fine, don’t panic. If you are serious about him, I and your mother would like to meet him,” Piyush lovingly pats his daughter on the back.

Comforted by her father’s caring touch and his kind words, Piya manages a feeble smile.

“Yes Dad, we like each other. He is very helpful and trustworthy.”

“Great, so why don’t you invite him for your birthday?”

“Wow, that would be awesome Dad, he will be thrilled at my invitation, but what about Mom?” Priya sounds excited but nervous.

“Don’t worry, I will manage her,” Piyush sports a naughty smile and leaves the room; thinking about how he should be broaching the topic with Rachna.

Priya has her birthday just a week later, so the wait is not too long.

Rachna too joins the excitement – changing the upholstery and trying out recipes for some new dishes.

Finally, D-day arrives.

As on any other birthday, the day starts with a visit to the temple. After collecting the prasad, they distribute food and clothes to the young children flocking outside the temple. As their starved faces light up, Piya feels so good and thanks God in silent prayer. “I cannot imagine it would be so easy to introduce Aman to Mom-Dad”, she muses.

Back home, the family gears up for the evening. The excitement is palpable.

Aman arrives around eight. As Piyush and Rachna usher him in, they don’t miss the battered Alto parked outside. They exchange meaningful glances as Aman respectfully touches their feet.

Priya cuts the cake and Rachna serves tea with some light snacks as the family sits down on the sprawling sofa.

“So Aman, tell us something about you..”, Piyush prods the young man with an affable smile.

“Uncle, as you already know, I am doing my Graduation in Economics. In addition, I am helping Dad in our family business. After Graduation, I plan to do an MBA degree so that I can manage the business better and Dad can be free. He loves to travel, so I want him to go around the world…” Aman appears very confident and clear in his future plans. His love and concern for his father are clearly evident.

“That’s good; in fact, it is quite heartening to know you have an entrepreneurial bent of mind, instead of opting for a nine-to-five job,” Piyush sounds energized.

“Yes Uncle, my Dad spent the best part of his life setting up this business. So, taking up a job means he will have to continue to slog. Also, I want to achieve everything on my own, not sit back and enjoy the fruits of his labour”.

“That’s really a very matured thought from a young man of your age,” Rachna cannot help but express her appreciation.

“Yes Aunty, the second-hand car I am using now, I bought it with my earnings from tutoring small children,” Aman adds softly.

“Bravo! Your parents should be proud of you, they have indeed reared you well…” Piyush too makes no attempt to hide his admiration.

Suddenly Aman’s face wears a pensive look. Even Piya tries to say something through her eyes.

“I lost my mother at a very early age, can hardly remember her face…it’s Dad who has been both a mother and father to me,” Aman’s attempt to control his emotions is evident.

“Oh, very sorry beta, but that means it would have been extremely difficult for him to manage the business and rear you up, single-handedly”, Piyush empathizes with the youngster.

“Yes, Uncle you are right,” Aman’s face brightens. “In fact, to build his business and get me educated in a good school, he left his native place Barakar in Asansol and settled in Delhi.”

Immediately Piyush turns towards Rachna. Barakar is her maternal place where she completed her studies before moving to Delhi after marriage.

“What’s his name, your Aunty is from the same place, she might know him…”

“Oh, the world is so small! His name is Suman Awasthi, Aunty do you know him?”, Aman is excited.

Rachna gasps for breath, as a chill runs down her spine.

“Hmm…I…I don’t think I know him”, she mumbles.

Controlling her shiver, she clearly recollects their last encounter in a cafe.

“Can’t wait for you any longer Sumit, I am marrying Piyush working in the IT sector. Shall move to Delhi soon…so let’s not keep in touch any longer…”

Piyush continues to chat as Rachna digs into her palms to hide her hands trembling uncontrollably.