Uketamo…I chanced upon this term as part of my study of the Japanese philosophy of life. A study triggered by my urge to learn to live a happier, lighter, and more fulfilling life. In fact, I have been long searching for the wisdom underlying the rich quality of Japanese life philosophy and, in the process, I discovered the hidden treasure of Uketamo.
A Eureka moment for me, indeed!
But what is Uketamo?

Let me explain…
Imagine you fracture your leg just a couple of days before a much long-awaited vacation.
Or your company is facing losses and decides to lay you off.
In each of the above situations, where life throws you out of gear, you have the choice to feel bitter, frustrated, and helpless. Or humbly accept the situation as-is, as advocated by the Uketamo philosophy. Does that sound debilitating? Not really, let me decode this powerful life hack for you…

Uketamo is an ancient life philosophy practiced by the Yamabushi monks. Every year they travel to the Dewa Sanzan mountain range in search of rebirth and enlightenment of their mind, body, and soul. The objective is to train themselves on the principle of Uketamo, which means “I humbly accept with an open heart”.
Similar to the instances shared above, there can be many more setbacks in life, some small others big. The faster is your pace of life in pursuit of that ever-elusive state of perfection, the harder you hit the speed breakers of life. In the process, you may end up beaten, outwitted, and defeated.
Instead, Uketamo teaches us to acknowledge the fact “this is what is meant to be”. In other words, you accept the inevitable instead of resisting the uncontrollable. You understand aiming for perfection is as futile as chasing a mirage.
Does that mean surrendering to fate? No, instead, this acceptance stems from an unconditional love for life. Life that is eternally ephemeral, incomplete, and imperfect. Realize the transient nature of life to slow down, be in the moment, and cherish its beauty. The joy of smiling after you wipe off your tears. The ecstasy you experience when you watch the first rays of the rising sun kiss the mountain peaks after an icy cold night.
Further, with acceptance comes liberation. Liberation from the suffering of resisting what is unavoidable. As a result, the mind calms down and you are at peace with yourself and your life, with all its imperfections. You start accepting yourself and others, with all the imperfections. In simple words, when you accept your hurdles the way they are, they disappear from your road to success.

Being mindful of the present, also allows you to probe within, uncover your strengths and weaknesses, and work on your imperfections. The inner contentment connects you with your inner self. This connection then helps you learn and grow from your inner struggles. You start working on your imperfections and evolve as a better human being, instead of resigning to your fate. Put otherwise, you realize the futility of chasing perfection. Instead, prudence lies in aiming for excellence.
Winding up
So, here I have introduced you to a novel way of being energizing you to a new way of dealing with life. Let’s draw inspiration from the Uketamo philosophy and accept the as-is with an open heart and strive to build a better to-be. Acceptance frees you from the stress of indulging in a wild goose chase for perfection. On the contrary, you shift gears, slow down, and pursue excellence. In the process, you emerge an improved version of yourself, and start enjoying the journey of life.