Today is Sunday evening. Once again a feeling of laziness, stress, and dullness engulfs you as you find Monday around the corner. If you relate to that feeling, it's nothing but our age-old companion - Monday Blues.
It is a mixed feeling where you have the urge to punch your boss and despise your own life.
Well, let me assure you – you are not alone. Instead, there are millions around the world who share the same feeling every time Monday arrives.
But, why so? Why does the feeling of uneasiness kick in during Sunday evenings and persists late into Mondays?

Interestingly, the reason lies in the strong correlation between your emotional state and your workplace. To be precise, this correlation between mental health and your workplace is substantiated by a survey conducted by Fiama in 2022. The survey claims 81% of millennials consider the workplace as the highest contributor to their stress. A report further corroborates this alarming trend. According to this report, nearly one-third of millennials are suffering today from some type of mental health disorder as they attempt to strike a work-life balance.
So, Monday Blues, a potent indicator of workplace stress, must be managed with prudence. But how do you do it? Here are some tips to deal with this growing menace.

What can you do?
These changes in your daily routine are simple and doable yet prove to be effective stress busters. Let’s see how they work:
Spread your household chores across the week to have enough time to unwind during the weekend. Else, the stress of dealing with your long To Do list keeps building up over the week and you even start dreading the weekend, instead of looking forward to it

Hit the sack early on Sunday nights to get up early on Mondays with some “me” time instead of a rushed breakfast and a hurried drive to the office. With the weekdays lacking any “look forward to” moments, the usual tendency is to cram the weekends with all activities that release Endorphins, the happiness hormones. Consequently, you are likely to be sleep-deprived on Sunday nights after the late-night movie, dinner, or party and end up feeling groggy on Monday mornings, struggling to catch up with your workload.
Complete some Monday tasks on Friday to start the week on a lighter note. Feeling lightest on Fridays with the weekend round the corner, pick up some Monday tasks and finish them off. Consequently, you have less on your plate on Monday.

Plan something interesting for Monday evening, a dinner or a movie, to breeze through the day in high spirits. This truly works like magic as it lights up your Sunday and Monday. When you start your day on Tuesday, you feel you have a short week, which peps you up.

Seek medical help if all the above fail and you find yourself heading towards a steady state of depression. It is important for you to spot the right signals early on so that you can address this challenge under expert guidance.

Wrapping up
That’s your Monday blues remedy. Practice the techniques shared here or any others to take the bull by its horns before it is too late. In the process, you end up taking charge of your emotions and cruise through the week. Let’s paint our Mondays not blue but sunshine yellow sparkling with new opportunities, new excitements, and gearing up for a fresh start…