Sounds interesting? Well, even I was intrigued when I first learnt about the power of 1%. So, I decided to dive deep. And, trust me, I unearthed a treasure that can last a lifetime. Let me unbox the treasure for you.
My first encounter with the 1% principle was when I read the book Atomic Habits. According to the author James Clear, when you improve by just 1% every day, at the end of one year you will improve by a whopping 38%. On the contrary, if you slip by 1% each day, at the end of a year you will nearly decline to zero.
So, how does the 1% principle work?
The secret lies in the power of the atom – the smallest unit of matter.
Let me explain…
Just as the qualities of an atom define the quality of matter it represents; our atomic habits define the quality of our lives. And so, the secret lies in changing our atomic habits.
But who likes to change? Honestly, none of us. Because, heralding a change in our lives means a change in our habits. Particularly, when you are expecting a major shift, you are likely to be overwhelmed.
And that is where the 1% principle comes to our rescue.

The principle recommends you take baby steps. To be precise, break down the big change into small components and then work on improving each component – 1% at a time. And let it continue over days, weeks, and months.
In the process, you pleasantly discover a better version of yourself over a period of time. Your dreams start taking shape and you begin to achieve your goals. Life becomes more fulfilling and our improved versions touch, move, and inspire others to traverse the same path.
Is that a daunting task? Not really when you are aiming to harness the power of aggregate marginal gains gathered in small increments over a prolonged period of time.
Let me share a few examples to help you understand how to apply this powerful principle in day-to-day life.
One simple way to start imbibing this magical principle is to start getting up earlier every day by just 2 minutes than the previous day. Consistently practicing this habit for one month means you actually get up one hour early at the end of a month. If that unnerves you, try getting up early by just 1 minute every day and you can achieve the same feat in two months. So, set your own pace…
Consider another common example. Assume you want to develop the habit of reading books. Pick up a book of your choice and read just five sentences or maybe just spend five minutes on the first day. Believe me, you don’t even realize that you are sowing the seed of an extremely endearing habit.
On Day 2 spend 5 more minutes on the book than Day 1. Similarly, on Day 3, read the book for 5 more minutes than Day 2 and go on… If this upsets your daily routine, consider increasing your reading time by just 1 minute each day.
The numbers are indeed mind-blowing. And that proves the magical power of the 1% principle.

Winding up…
You now realize, practicing the 1% principle truly sets you up for a metamorphosis as you work upon your habits with patience and perseverance, recording small wins each day at a time.
In other words, as you apply this principle in all aspects of your life, believe yourself as a cocoon waiting to break open and unfurl with a plethora of colors.
No wonder, leaders around the world embrace this brilliant principle to achieve a major improvement by leveraging loads of small, easy wins.
In summary, you now hold the key to transforming yourself. Unlock your potential, take charge of your life and watch magic happen.